Expand your knowledge on how to mix a color.
There are many ways to mix the same color when you have many different pigments to choose from.
It is important to know the pros and cons for different mixes of the same color.
When painting stable and smooth transitions you must use the same pigments through the whole transition. In other cases you would like the colors to change when the light is changing and therefore you will use different pigments for colors that are close to each other.
Many times painters end up always using the same way to mix a color and it can be inspiring to be reminded of other ways to mix the same color.
On this site you can see 4 different ways to mix each of the colors in the table below.
You can see which color brand are used for each recipe on the ID of the Titanium Whites:
1380 Titanium White: Goldens Heavy Body Acrylics
432 Titanium White: Liquitex Heavy Body
105 Titanium White: Royal Talens Van Goch Oils
114 Titanium White: Schmincke Norma Professional Oils
644 Titanium White: Winsor & Newton Galeria Acrylic
PaintMaker also works with these color brands:
Gamblin Conservation colors
Golden Matte Fluid Acrylic
Maimeri Polycolor
Rembrandt Extra-Fine Artist's Oils
Winsor & Newton Designers Gouache
If you would like to get mix suggestions for your own colors you can do so in the web service PaintMaker which you can find here: http://sensuallogic.com/paintmaker
Click on a color and see 4 different ways to mix the color
recipe example 1
recipe example 2
recipe example 3
recipe example 4